High Stress Levels, PTSD, and Hair Loss

When someone mentions PTSD in conversation, we often picture soldiers returning from war and suffering in the aftermath of traumatic experiences. But anyone who has undergone a major life change or traumatic situation, such as abuse or death of a loved one, can be diagnosed with PTSD or suffer from severely high stress levels.

What it Means to have High Stress Levels

Stress is the result of heightened levels of Cortisol, Adrenaline, and Norepinephrine hormones, which leave you in a state of fight-or-flight. These levels can be good in short-term situations, but can have damaging effects on the body and mind if they don’t diminish. When victims suffer from PTSD, their stress hormones will not go back to normal levels, and they are constantly in that flight-or-fight state of mind. Hair loss can be a result, and it typically occurs three months after the stressful situation.

Who the Victims Are

Even though men are notorious for suffering from hair loss, a greater percentage of women are affected by hair loss due to PTSD and high stress levels. Stress is not always the culprit of hair loss, but when it comes to high levels of stress and PTSD, especially for women in their thirties and forties, hair loss could be the result of stressful or traumatic life changes.


The good news is that when hair loss ensues as a result of PTSD or high stress levels, it typically grows back within a few months, whereas hair loss due to other conditions like Areata Alopecia may never grow back on its own. The bad news is that doctors and scientists don’t always have the answers when it comes to hair loss and hair regrowth. Further research needs to be conducted in order to properly diagnose and treat hair loss due to PTSD. Consulting a physician is always the first step in understanding hair loss symptoms and finding a solution.